Cloud-Native Application Protection Platform (CNAPP)

Implement a DevSecOps Approach to security and compliance for cloud-native applications and their infrastructure in rapidly changing hybrid multicloud environments 

Build secure and compliant
applications from
the start

Caveonix CNAPP proactively protects applications during the build stage with comprehensive scanning of artifacts for vulnerabilities, exposures, and misconfigurations. Automated testing and in-depth analysis powered by our Neural-InsightTM engine allow developers to prioritize and remediate security and compliance issues before they are deployed into runtime environments.

Learn more about CNAPP

Protect your cloud infrastructure before and after deployment

Caveonix CNAPP secures your hybrid multicloud infrastructure before and after deployment. Scan, assess and remediate security and compliance issues for platforms and infrastructure and keep pace with rapidly changing cloud environments.

Learn more about streamlining DevSecOps

Keep cloud workloads secure and compliant

Caveonix CNAPP provides industry-leading visibility, analysis, and automated remediation to secure cloud workloads across VMs, Containers and Serverless. Execute exposure scanning and Zero Trust policies to protect cloud-native applications during runtime.

Learn more about Microsegmentation and Zero Trust

Caveonix CNAPP Benefits

View Cloud Environment Holistically

Harmonize previously siloed information to gain the context needed to accurately prioritize risk and remediation efforts.

Unify approach to security and compliance

Replace piece-parts and consolidate functionality for scanning artifacts, configuring cloud environments, and protecting runtime workloads.

Streamline DevSecOps

Seamlessly integrate security testing into development and deployment of cloud-native applications.

Manage risk proactively

Manage security and compliance across the development and operations lifecycle.

Reduce the number of tools and vendors

Reduce CI/CD pipeline complexity and costs. Improve accountability and vendor partnering.

Learn more about the benefits of unifying CSPM and CWPP